Exhibition Kunstraum Bürkle Freiburg
Point of View. How Images become
14 October 2018 – 13 January 2019
In times of globalization and digitalization, our life, our work and our communication are changing rapidly and in a sustainable way. With the ever-present digital image production and reproduction, especially on social networks, our use and our perception of images are also constantly changing. For the image impressions, image worlds and image contexts in front of our eyes have never been so varied and simultaneously so fleeting. If art serves as a mirror of the time, it is not surprising that artists are investigating the changes to the appearance and perception of images. The exhibition “Point of View. How Images become ” combines works that aggressively present the constitution and conversion of artistic images – thereby plumbing the present. They refer to their creation, reveal different views or temporary conditions and thus displace the visible from the level of Being to the level of Becoming. At the same time, the view of the observer, their perception and meaning, is challenged in the genesis of the image. For if a departure from statically specified (image) shapes has taken place in art, a permanently determined perception of art is then in doubt. Change is ever-present – in our everyday world and in art. Observing it means constantly discovering novelty – Seeing is a point of view!
Artists of the exhibition:
Michał Budny, born 1976 in Leszno, Poland, lives and works in Warsaw, Poland and Prague, Czech Republic
Jana Gunstheimer, born 1974 in Zwickau, lives and works in Jena
Tobias Heine, born 1984 in Magdeburg, lives and works in Bremen
Martina Klein, born 1962 in Trier, lives and works in Düsseldorf
Joseph Marioni, born 1943 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Anne Römpp, born 1980 in Bayreuth, lives and works in Stuttgart
Michael Venezia, born 1935 in Brooklyn, New York, USA
Thomas Wachholz, born 1984 in Cologne, lives and works in Cologne
Jan Wawrzyniak, born 1971 in Leipzig, lives and works in Berlin
Katharina Anna Wieser, born 1980 in Zürich, lives and works in Basel